Condominium Act

When a dispute arises, its effects can be distressing, costly and time consuming for the parties involved. If a situation has the potential to end in court then you need the advice of someone who understands the nature and complexities of litigation. In such matters we always aim to minimize worry, using our extensive litigation expertise to secure the best possible outcome for our clients. Our aim is to provide our clients with an independent, prompt and effective service that focuses on advice in plain English.
Solicitors here are strong in litigation, arbitration and other dispute resolution mechanisms. LM Legal Services has striven hard to ensure that we provide a client friendly approach to disputes. We can assess your needs, outline the options and give a clear opinion of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. In the field of litigation the question of costs is of paramount importance and we can advise you as to the financial wisdom of pursuing a particular matter through the courts or whether alternative forms of conflict resolution may be available.
Wherever possible, we will try to resolve disputes without becoming involved in an actual trial before a Judge. This can be expensive and heavy on your time. Unlike the court system, a negotiated settlement must be accepted by both sides. There are no winners or losers as both sides feel they are getting the best result for them. A settlement will take into account the commercial realities of the situation, which means your relationship can survive the disagreement and hopefully continue for the benefit of both parties.
Where a negotiated settlement proves impossible or is not the option you wish to pursue, then the swiftest and most appropriate procedures are applied. This means assessing the likely outcome, the cost to you, the time scale and the ability of the other party to meet their obligations.
Among the wide range of services we provide are the following: disputes connected to your property in Bulgaria, resolution of commercial and personal disputes, obtaining injunctions, disputes over inheritance and contractual disputes.
If you would like further information please do contact us. We offer a FREE, no obligation initial consultation.
Thousands of ex-pats have purchased properties in Bulgaria. Very often they feel that they are overcharged. This is because they do not get the necessary unbiased advice before they sign their maintenance and management contracts. We can read all your contracts before you sign them and we can prepare a legal review for you that can give you a clear idea what you are committing yourself to. If necessary, we can negotiate amendments to these contracts.
Many ex-pats owning properties in Bulgaria have problems with their developers or maintenance and management companies. We have experience in working with the Bulgarian Condominium Act, we are fully aware of the current amendments and we can explain what is important for you. Moreover, we can provide you with comprehensive service that will make sure that all your rights are fully protected. To ensure this, we can represent you at the Annual General Meeting of the Owners, stop the constant increase of your management and maintenance fees.